King of Assassin 2 You got new mission in King of Assassin 2. Do you best to kill all enemies!
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The Last Dino One button adventure about a dinosaur’s attempt at saving his kind by using a couple of abilities, but only one at a time. With letters to collect to reveal the true ending.rn
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Shameless clone 2 Pick a hero and destroy imaginative worlds. Insane gameplay. Polished oldschool graphics. Swarms of enemies and tons of bonuses. Upgrade your hero.  More heroes, levels and enemies...
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Rock It! Mine the colored space rocks rotating around the asteroid in this bubble shooter match 3 game! Play alone against time, or play against a computer opponent. Let’s Rock It!
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King of Assassin 3 Your must have the ability to kill all your enemies to be a king of assassin! Come on!
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Spini Welcome to Spini’s world! Where the world actually revolves around you. Rotate the world to complete the puzzles in order to save your Dad’s surprising large cat collec...
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Zombans VS Humbies Zombans vs Humbies is an action shooter ame where you are a zombie and must defend yourself against the attacking humans. You can choose single or multiplayer mode. Pistol, shotgun...
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Humbies VS Zombans Humbies vs Zombans is an action shooter game where you are a human and must defend yourself against the attacking zombies.You can choose single or multiplayer mode. Two pistols, gr...
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起义的猪 MOBILE 在这个激动人心的动作游戏中尽可能地存活下去!
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起义的猪 在这个激动人心的动作游戏中尽可能地存活下去! 箭头键移动,下键换武器,上键跳跃,鼠标瞄准并射击!
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Paper Gun Push the button to kill enemies. Be careful, buttons are always changing! Push the WASD and arrow buttons to kill enemies.
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苦痛地牢 Dungeon of Death 你不幸落入 “苦痛地牢”!只有走出苦痛地牢后你才能知道自己的命运。这里呼吸困难,头上飓风呼啸,隐隐可以听见远方传来的那失败的灵魂的呼号。而你将奋起挑战危险,前路只有一条,一条不能回头的路……征服大魔法师布下的重重陷阱,逃出生天吧! Difficulty: Easy – 3 Lives – 10 Level <|> Norm...
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铠甲勇士 - 战斗到底 铠甲勇士系列游戏-战斗到底 本次铠甲勇士深入敌后,被魔王收走了全部的武器和能力,帝皇侠要在和敌人的战斗过程中,不断的找回自己的武器和能力,最终直捣敌人老巢。 方向键:角色移动 上箭头:跳跃 A:出拳/挥剑 S:发射能量波 下箭头+A:能量盾攻击 上箭头×2:二段跳 铠甲勇士系列游戏-战斗到底 本次铠甲勇士深入敌后,被魔王收走了全部的武器和能力,帝皇侠要在和敌...
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Bash Girl 痛擊少女 Bash and dash your way through hordes of relentless foes. Play with just the Up and down Arrows Attack based on how the enemies come at you. For example, if the enemy has his weapo...
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深海寻宝 潜入深邃的蓝色大海,寻找分散在海床四处的阿丽娅女王游船残骸中的财宝,得到她珍贵的宝箱及其中数百件奇珍异宝。这些都要由玩家扮演的一只穿着潜水服的滑稽兔子完成。千万小心,这片海域充斥了外形各异的食人鲨。你需要紧握鱼叉,瞅准时机发射,绑住鲨鱼,拿走宝物,最终找到在海底沉睡百年之久的著名宝藏。 按箭头键移动,在适当时机点空格键发射鱼叉绑住鲨鱼。绑住的鲨鱼越多,找到的...
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RedRiot (红色暴动) 红色暴动 – 一款融合了动作元素,可玩度很高的优秀游戏。通过控制俄罗斯超级英雄,玩家将与敌对的军事组织展开殊死搏斗,完成一系列任务和场景。玩家可以在游戏的过程中收集并升级他们的超能力,赚取军费-提高伤害和战力-把所有敌人都轰成渣吧。 移动 – [WASD]或方向键 瞄准 / 射击 – 用鼠标 副武器开火 – [空格键]或[...
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Boy And Girl Boy and Girl Fight together! First You should hand in hand, Then you can able to Collect the Energy to Defeat Boss! 男孩女孩大作战!分开的两个人要一起拉手,才可以收集能量,打倒Boss哦! 操作方法: 键盘 W A S D 控制女孩的移动: 键...
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娑婆物语LegendOfSaha 2.5D ACT AVG Game that U can not miss! Let me destroy the Gods like this!不容错过的2.5D动作冒险游戏!这样的神,就让我来毁灭吧! 2.5D ACT AVG Game that U can not miss! Let me destroy the Gods like this!不容错过...
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可可的疯狂农场_麻球 又到了丰收的季节,虽然有蜜蜂和鼹鼠的捣乱,可可还是要全力完成收割庄稼的任务!加油!本游戏共20关等你来挑战! 又到了丰收的季节,虽然有蜜蜂和鼹鼠的捣乱,可可还是要全力完成收割庄稼的任务!加油!本游戏共20关等你来挑战! 点击鼠标使人物移动,按住空格并移动,开始收割庄稼。...
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幽影2:无声杀手:毒蝎加西亚的灭亡  中文版 Shadow 2 Chinese version 前精英CIA探员。: 幽影 : 无声杀手,只要价钱够高,就帮你搞定,绝不过问。 你是幽影。干掉臭名昭著的毒枭,毒蝎加西亚。 Shadow returns in this slick, stickman sniper entirely in Chinese. Chinese version of Shadow 2: The Silent Assassin : ...
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