Savage War Use your brutal intellect and savage intuition to capture the enemy chief! This innovative board game can be played in two modes: either turn-based, or real-time. You need to be ei...
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反恐蹦蹦跳 缜密的思考下一回合的目标, 打败所有的对手吧! 地板每回合都会向上移动一格,当画面上方的进度条倒计时的时候, 用鼠标点击想要到达的白框, 利用脚下的武器无情的进攻其它人吧! 祝你胜利 缜密的思考下一回合的目标, 打败所有的对手吧! 地板每回合都会向上移动一格,当画面上方的进度条倒计时的时候, 用鼠标点击想要到达的白框, 利用脚下的武器无情的进攻其它人吧! 祝...
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将-中国象棋 Chinese Chess 中国象棋,玩家vs电脑,可调节AI。 鼠标点击棋盘相应位置移动棋子(无须拖动) B:开始(玩家黑方,电脑红方先走棋) R:开始(电脑黑方,玩家红方先走棋) P:悔棋 Enter:游戏菜单 Chinese Chess, Player vs Computer. Click the chessboard to make a move(don’t dra...
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中国象棋 中国象棋,增加了新的游戏模式,可以人机对战,双人对战和经典棋局的练习模式,增加了存档读档功能,界面更加友好,操作更加流畅。初始化事件稍长,请耐心等待几秒。 中国象棋,增加了新的游戏模式,可以人机对战,双人对战和经典棋局的练习模式,增加了存档读档功能,界面更加友好,操作更加流畅。初始化事件稍长,请耐心等待几秒。...
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Diamond Chess Click a diamond and then a lattice. If there is at least one way for the diamond going to the lattice, then the diamond will be moved to this lattice. Five or more diamonds in a gr...
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Chess Hotel Multiplayer Play live chess against other chess players from all over the world. Type a username, click an invitation and the game will begin! You can also hit the Play now button and an invit...
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中国民间棋类游戏-小砖格棋 它由12个长方形组成砖格图案,全盘共有40个交点式棋位。棋盘两端的各个棋位分别编为1-5号。 2.棋子 小砖格棋共有棋子10枚,双方各5枚a棋子的外形为扁圆形。双方棋子颇色不同,棋面符号都是数字1—5。 3.棋规 (1)布子。 开局前一次性布子,双方棋子分别布于棋盘两端图35各棋位,这里是起点区。布子时要对号入座,棋子编号要与棋位编号相同。 (2...
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Chess Avoidance Puzzles Place the chess pieces provided on the chess board provided so that no piece attacks any other. There are 20 levels.
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Amazing girl gobang Amazing and crazy girl gobang,a traditional checker-type game in which the lining up of five pieces in a straight line scores victory. Amazing and crazy girl gobang,a traditional c...
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Chess jigsaw Everyone likes a game of chess, we turned this photo of a chess board into a jigsaw puzzle. Can you solve this free puzzle? Use the mouse to drag the pieces.
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