Lucky Pandas Lucky Pandas is a FREE slot machine set in a bamboo forest full of cute pandas, cherry blossoms, and shrines. In the Bamboo Bonus Round rub the bellies of cute pandas to reveal you...
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Dressing as chinese princess 적 드레스를 시도? 당신은 정말 편안 온유하고 세련된 이번 시즌이 드레스를 입고 것입니다.그럼 당신은 내 말을 믿고이 컬렉션에서이 드레스를 사용해보십시오....
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Chinese New Year Dressup Dress up this beautiful girl who is getting ready to go out for the Chinese New Year! Put on her make up and give her any hairstyle you desire. Just make sure she looks fabulous!
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Chinese Style Doll Dress Up We have tons of cute dolls out of which we have picked a beautiful doll for the puppet show. We want to dress this doll in Chinese style. Could you give us your helping hand in dre...
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Chinese Blessings Submit a high score of more than 688 and entitle yourself to a free copy of this game personalized with your photo. 提交超過 688 的高分,你將可免費得到一份以你的照片為主的這個遊戲。 Just click on the squares....
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Titok : Angpao Imlek let’s help Titok collect the Angpao , move the mouse to take the Angpao and avoid the lanterns.
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Chinese Zodiac Mahjong Challenge the twelve chinese zodiac signs from easy to difficult in this revisited Shangai solitaire mahjong game. Defy the dragon, the rabbit, the snake and many others. Each layo...
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老爹披萨店 (Papa's Pizzeria) 帮助罗伊在老爹路易不在的时候经营披萨店! 你需要接点单,烘焙披萨,根据需要切块,并把完成的披萨交给等候的顾客们! 游戏的关键在于同时处理多个任务。你加配料和烘焙的速度能跟上顾客们的需要吗? 完成点单后,你会获得小费,能提升等级并迎来新顾客!...
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彩石园艺 (Rock Garden) 在自家后花园布置彩石! 趣味横生的连彩石益智游戏,谜题数量超过100个,每关都有独特的地形、布景以及可收集的彩石。 有两种游戏模式:经典模式与随机模式,后者可以不间断地玩下去。玩家可以在经典模式中赢得超过100种的彩石,这些都可以用在随机模式或是玩家创建的花园中。 – 滑动彩石形成组合 – 超过100个宜人的谜题布景 – ...
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Ancient Chinese Girl use the mouse. Enjoy the “flowers and the moon the appearance, beauties of the volume”in the world, one of China’s four major beauty Wang Zhaojun, to the world...
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少林高僧 MOBILE 看你能生存多长时间! 手机版:点击屏幕的左侧或右侧击回暗器。 电脑版:使用左右箭头键或点击屏幕的左侧或右侧击回暗器。
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通电迷宫2 Chinese translation. Rotate the blocks to get power to the finish Click on objects to rotate them
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地狱走廊 就要抓住你了,只是时间问题而已,亡灵的双手几乎能触及你的后背了。唯一能够把你从死亡命运中解救出来的方法,就是穿过这条地狱走廊! 在沿着走廊奔跑的同时,使用箭头键躲避障碍。...
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Stunt Run Chinese Drive, Jump, flip and crash your way through ten levels of Stunts in this physics monster truck game. Watch out, it gets hard!
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Neon Race Chinese Smash and dash through 8 neon-soaked levels of thrilling driving action. Earn cash to upgrade your vehicle, and unlock all the tracks. Beat all the track times to unlock the SuperC...
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Forest Encounter 2 Mobile Chinese 你是最后一名防御者。 阻挡住入侵的军队,直到增援抵达。 点击大炮即可进行装弹 再次点击即可发射。 点击炮弹再点击大炮可以重新装弹。 不要中枪。...
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老爹汉堡店 现在你负责经营老爹汉堡店!你必须要接受点单,烤出合适肉饼,添加正确的配料,为等候的顾客们奉上美味的汉堡。 你必须要接受点单,烤出合适肉饼,添加正确的配料,为等候的顾客们奉上美味的汉堡。 游戏的关键在于同时进行多项任务。你能在烤肉饼和做汉堡的时候照顾好等候的顾客吗? 你要完成点单,赚取小费以购买强化道具,获得分数提升级别,并招揽更多的顾客。...
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Shinland Chinese Shin is lost in an island where he needs to find a map to get home by completing a serie of quests from the mayor of the town. for more games, jokes and c...
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雨林遭遇战II 你是最后一名防御者。 阻挡住入侵的军队,直到增援抵达。 点击大炮即可进行装弹 再次点击即可发射。 点击炮弹再点击大炮可以重新装弹。 不要中枪。...
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幽影2:无声杀手:毒蝎加西亚的灭亡  中文版 Shadow 2 Chinese version 前精英CIA探员。: 幽影 : 无声杀手,只要价钱够高,就帮你搞定,绝不过问。 你是幽影。干掉臭名昭著的毒枭,毒蝎加西亚。 Shadow returns in this slick, stickman sniper entirely in Chinese. Chinese version of Shadow 2: The Silent Assassin : ...
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