Jet Pod Remanufactured Fly a jet pod navigating through the obstacles to get to the exit. Users can also make there own levels and submit them. Arrow keys to fly the Jet Pod.
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旋转空间 通过旋转挑战40个关卡,让小球滚动到水泡中。 另外还可以自己设计关卡和玩家们共享。 用键盘左右方向键控制转动,让小球到达水泡终点 回车键:下一关 / 重玩 End: 关卡编辑器 关卡编辑器中的快捷键 C:复制当前选定图形 Delete: 删除当前选择图形 键盘方向键: 微调图形位置...
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Trophiends Everything is better with friends! Especially the constant threat of explosive death! In this challenging, puzzling platformer, guide a bunch of buddies who all move simultaneously...
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The Chase An amazing platform/puzzler game based on the hugely successful Intel “The Chase” video. Playing as Eva, you need to protect the package from the bad guys as you race across the wo...
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Color Hex Puzzle game that is easy to pick, but can introduce really hard levels. With in-game level editor for neverending fun. Tutorial in game, during gameplay. Tutorial in game, during g...
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